Finance Committee Role in the Budget Process

The finance committee is responsible for studying the financial and other affairs of the town, and to advise all officers of the town as to expenditures and appropriation recommendations.  Our responsibility at town meeting is to present the voting taxpayer with a finance committee recommended balanced town-wide operating budget.  The Committee’s recommended town budget is determined by anticipated revenue (including state aid, local receipts, and other available funds), anticipated state and local assessments, the realistic viability of the town departments’ expenditure requests, and long-term financial goals of the town.

The committee reviews all warrant articles being presented at town meetings.  Prior to town meeting, the finance committee prepares its report and includes the committee’s recommended course of action for each warrant article.  Finance committee reports are available to townspeople and are generally delivered to each household prior to the scheduled town meeting.  Reports may also be available at various public locations throughout the town –including the Avon Public Library, Avon Post Office, Avon Senior Center, and the Avon Cooperative Bank.  If voters need additional copies, email the committee or contact us at town hall.

(A limited supply of finance committee reports is available at town meeting.  When attending town meeting, we encourage voters to bring along the reports that had been mailed to your household.)