Additional Responsibilities

Board of Health / Health Agent

Plans for new construction (septic, pools, camps, food establishments, housing and building additions) are submitted to the Health Agent. Any variances from the codes and regulations require approval by the Board. The time frames stipulated for approval is designated in the specific regulations but generally ranges from 30 days to 45 days.

The Board is also responsible for the investigation and control of infectious and contagious diseases in humans, animals and insects. Our office provides vaccine to the medical practices in Avon and partners with a local health care provider to offer adult immunizations clinics for flu, pneumonia and tetanus. The local VNA provides a public health nurse to provide follow-up to reports of infectious or contagious disease. We also partner with local pet retailers to provide Rabies Clinic for cats and dogs in the spring. We work closely with the Animal Control Officer to monitor the health of domestic animals, livestock and wildlife.

Norfolk County Mosquito Control has an active program to control for mosquitoes in the town of Avon. Larvaciding is done in the late winter and early spring.  Aerial spraying (fogging) is done in the summer and early fall. These insects are known carriers of Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus.

The Board is actively involved in Emergency Preparedness plans for the town. A key component of the plan is the creation and operation of an Emergency Dispensing site.  The Avon Board of Health has partnered with the Holbrook Board of Health to set up a joint site. Community volunteers to staff and assist at the site are being recruited and trained through the Medical Reserve Corp (MRC), another joint effort by the Avon, Holbrook Randolph and Stoughton Boards of Health.

The Board of Health administers an active solid waste and recycling program. Recent changes in DEP policies make recycling mandatory for most communities and the town is paid for its recyclables.  Residential trash is picked up weekly.  The street address determines the day of collection.  Recycled materials (paper, glass, metal and plastic) are picked up every other week.  Place these items in a bin and place curbside with your trash on the regular pick-up day.  Bulk pick-up is six times per year and a Hazardous Waste Day is held with Randolph the first Saturday in November.