The Avon Board of Selectmen Invite you to The April Mingle & Mocktails

mingle and mocktails
Event Date: 
Thursday, April 6, 2023 - 6:00pm

Prior to COVID, the Board of Selectmen periodically had coffee/office hours for folks to come in and ask questions.  We are reviving these events!  Please join us this Thursday from 6-6:30pm for a Mocktails and Mingle event!  (6pm is too late for some to have coffee!)  Feel free to ask questions you may have about things going on around town or regarding a specific board or committee.  If the questions cannot be answered outside of a meeting forum due to open meeting laws, the Board will take the question away to be added to a future meeting agenda.  Please feel free to stay for the Board of Selectmen meeting which begins at 6:30pm.